UtaForum.net Crowdfunds its Transition to 4.0

UtaForum.net Crowdfunds its Transition to 4.0

After a catastrophic failure of their old forum software UtaForum turned to the community to help Kickstart their transition to the commercial forum software XenForo. Now, toward the end of the campaign with less than 72 hours in their funding period the campaign stands at 176% funded with some 31 backers supporting their project.

While the funds currently pledged basically guarantee a successful transition to their new forum software, the initial goal only included a licence for the basic forum software and a basic theme. The “stretch goals” of their campaign include many commercial plugins and ‘quality of life’ improvements to add features to UtaForum beyond the basic BBS functionality that XenForo provides.

Showing his support for the project Vocaloid/UTAU producer baggagelizard-P even contributed an original song to the campaign. We are not sure if we are the first Kickstarter to have its own theme song but we are certainly the first to use singthesizers like Vocaloid or UTAU.

Beyond just monetary contributions UtaForum is also accepting contributions to their social reach via Thunderclap. For the full details on their campaign check out their official forum thread and related links below.

Full Disclosure: UtaForum.net and Engloids.Info share multiple staff members, including the author of this post.

About The Author


I am part oldie, part newbie, and in many ways a walking contradiction. My interests include anime, manga, computers, and videogames. I am the voicer of OTAKUNE Weeabo, a moderator on UtaForum, and the Executive Editor of Engloids.Info.

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